touring to tech
Hey! I'm Zach.
I'm a touring bass player turned web developer based in Kingston, ON. Whether building sweet sweet web apps,
cooking a tasty meal (I make a mean gumbo) or settling into the perfect groove, my favorite thing in the
🌎 is collaborating with like minded folks to
create something beautiful. I'm eager to join a great team keep deepening my existing coding abilities and
keep adding new tech to my stack. I'm also very into helping small business owners, artists, and
entrepenuers to build their brand with a dope new site, so hit me up and let's build
something great!
Ever thought "Is 'karma' an acronym?" Well now it CAN BE! Reverse engineer your own acronyms (backronyms)
with this fun React app created with fellow devs Meining Cheng, Jake Spodek and Olivia Heullitskills
my tool belt
check 'em out!
Backronym Generator
get in touch